Oriental patterned tableware / 染付&陽刻 穴山文香 翠窯 Painter&Carver Fumika Anayama Suiyou craftwithme

by ツクリテチャンネル瀬戸 Creator's channel Seto

Oriental patterned tableware / 染付&陽刻 穴山文香 翠窯 Painter&Carver Fumika Anayama Suiyou  craftwithme


HPInstagram幼い頃から絵が好きです 一番古い記憶は二歳の頃 家で雲の絵を描いていたことです 大人になってからは油絵やアクリル画を描いていましたが 結婚を機に 陶芸の世界で自分の技術を活かせる道を探し始めました そして 染付 と 陽刻 に挑戦することに決めてから 今も道半ばです あなたにとって 作る とは 戦い です ものづくりは 何よりも楽しくて喜びを感じることですが 作っても作っても満足することのない地獄でもあります 自分の目指すところへ向かって 少しでも近づけるよう日々技を磨いて戦っていきます I like painting since I was a child My earliest memories were from the age of two when I was painting a cloud at home After that I was drawing oil and acrylic paintings but when I got married I started looking for a way to use my skills in the ceramics world I m still training now after deciding to try Sometsuke Blue and white and Yokoku Relief What is making for you Fighting Making things is fun and joy above all but for me it s also a hell that I m never satisfied with I will improve my skills every day so that I can get closer to my goal BGM creditI Saw Three Ships Audionautixソース __トラック_url__Building_Blocks Nate Blaze painter carver pottery



진짜 기묘한 고양이

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짜란! 오늘은 야옹이들과 넷플릭스 기묘한 이야기를 패러디 해봤어요. 용맹한 츄츄와 귀여운 디디 루루를 기대해주세요!

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새로운 한 해를 맞이해 루루의 목욕을 했어요. 루루는 정말 용맹한 고양이인 것 같아요!


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