바삭바삭한 베이비 크랩, 통새우, 오징어 튀김 (fri...
수찬이네 왕새우 튀김 전문점 인천 신포시장에 가면 먹을수 있는 바삭바삭한 베이비 크랩 튀김 맥주 안주에 튀김이 잘 어울리는듯 합니다.
It s time for the ColourPop HOLIDAY 2019 Collection and it is GOOD AS GOLD I m sharing all of the details including prices close ups swatches and tons of comparisons What do you think of this Holiday Collection Thanks for watching Ooops I forgot the shade names on the swatches Sorry Here are the shade names Left Right State of Mine Diggin U Trooper Bold Rush 24K Gilded Gold Star Au Team Golden Touch Nugget About It Big Brooch Let s Do ItUse code 5amanda non affiliate to save 5 on your purchase of 20 or more Some exclusions apply Time Stamps Lashes 1 36Liners 3 07Lips 4 21Palette 7 32Comparisons 11 11My Thoughts 13 11Bloops 16 35What s on my eyes What s on my lips What s on my nails _______________________________________________________________Hang out with me on InstagramSometimes I write thingsSometimes I tweet thingsCome pin all of the things with me_______________________________________________________________Music Intro End CardSaturn SunsetSwatches PassinGreenscreens credit Greenscreens by JanTube Editing_______________________________________________________________ This video is NOT sponsored This collection was sent to me for editorial purposes by ColourPop Cosmetics Links in the description box marked with are affiliate links through Reward Style I earn a small commission on sales made via these links however the cost is no different to you if purchase with an affiliate link or not Commission status has NO bearing on how I select and review products and I will never pressure you to purchase via my links
수찬이네 왕새우 튀김 전문점 인천 신포시장에 가면 먹을수 있는 바삭바삭한 베이비 크랩 튀김 맥주 안주에 튀김이 잘 어울리는듯 합니다.
チャンネル登録&GOODボタンお願いします( `・∀・´)ノ
幾個趕時間的化妝Tips跟大家分享,全部使用開架彩妝~非常好複製! (另外FB那邊等等會有抽獎!記得再去參加唷~)
오늘은 집에 있던 청소기가 고장 나서 새로운 청소기를 샀어요! 정말 털과 먼지가 어마어마한 것 같아요. 그리고, 광고 아니애오.
仕事が終わった深夜、つかの間の休息で仔猫と一緒にテレビを見るのが日課に。 寝かしつける時、仔猫が人の子のようで癒されますね。
I like to use thrift store silk clothing to make my shibori ribbon for beading its a great way to upcycle and create something bea...
These DIY Christmas Sweaters are so easy and cheap to make and they're the perfect way to make your wardrobe a little more festive...
訂閱Hello Catie▸▸ http://bit.ly/2mnhqLL (記得開啟小鈴鐺,才能第一時間收看影片唷) 😎購物推薦 ⇊ --------------------------------------------------- 以下都能滿...
Fluffy and Moist Kabocha & Chocolate Butter Cake 秋だもん。南瓜とチョコのパウンドケーキ luxurious cake that you can bake by just mixing the ingredi...
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