COMBINING ART MEDIUMS - Washi Tape and Watercolor... Do they mix?!

by Kasey Golden

COMBINING ART MEDIUMS - Washi Tape and Watercolor... Do they mix?!


I liked the pattern and variety you could get with washi tape but I needed to mix it with watercolor Do they work well together Let s find out MATERIALS USED Pentel Graphgear 500 7 Mechanical Pencil HB Pentel lead Kneaded eraserSakura Pigma Micron pens black 05 Schmincke Watercolors 36 half pan set Gold Sable Watercolor brushesStrathmore 400 140lb coldpress watercolor paperWashi Tape I GUESS I GOT A PO BOX PO Box 5394 Victoria BVictoria BC V8R6S4Canada




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