Creamy Garlic Mushroom Sauce | How To Make Recipe

by Chef Jack Ovens

Creamy Garlic Mushroom Sauce | How To Make Recipe


How to make Creamy Garlic Mushroom Sauce with recipe and instructions Mushroom Sauce is something I ve been making for a long time with every time making it I experiment with new flavours I have come up with this recipe and believe it is one of the best This is a must try recipe This sauce is perfect over Steak Chicken Pies and Vegetables this recipe has a lot of versatility Thanks for watching If you enjoyed this video I ve got lots more great recipes on my channel Subscribe to stay up to date with new videos recipes tips tricks and secrets Subscribe Now Makes 2 1 2 CupsServes 4 6 peopleIngredients 2 Tbs Clarified Unsalted Butter4 Cloves Garlic Thinly Sliced1 Shallot Fine Diced 300g Swiss Brown Mushrooms Thinly Sliced2 Tbs White Wine Use a cheap White Wine I used Chardonnay Can be substituted for Vegetable Stock or Chicken Stock 2 Tbs Curley Parsley Chopped Can be substituted for Flat Leaf Parsley 1 tsp Thyme Chopped400ml Full Fat Cream Thickened Cream Equipment I use Knives and Steels Pots and Pans DISCLAIMER This video and description contain affiliate links which means that if you click on one of the product links and purchase something I ll receive a small commission This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this Thank you for your support Affiliate Links With over 100 chocolates and counting the Koko Black range is complex indulgent and always adventurous there s something for all tastes Every chocolate handcrafted by Koko Black has its own unique personality and story Free shipping on orders over 100 Follow me on Music in this videoSong Uplink Jason Gewalt Euphoria NCS Release Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Background Music Reasons to Smile




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