Create the Perfect TRANSLUCENT nails! POUR ME A GLASS - Madam Glam Collection
Pour Me a Glass Collection brings you 12 new translucent Glass Soak Offgels Madam Glam formula is Vegan Cruelty Free and 9 free and HEMA free TIP If the gel feels thick or tacky place it in warm not boiling water for 1 2 minutes remove it from water and roll the bottle between your hands Do not shake it will create air bubbles OPEN FOR PRODUCT INFO MORE All links below Let me know if anything is missing Where to find me messenger m me llaurart Products in this video POUR ME A GLASS COLLECTIONUse code Laura30 for 30 offALL OF MY COUPON CODES AND DISCOUNTS LAL10 20 off in Born Pretty Store LAURART20 20 off Rossi Nails LAURART15 15 off Melody Susie LAURART 10 off Yayoge laura10 10 off Modelones WATCH MORE POLYGEL PLAYLIST POLYGEL Coffin Nails Rossi Nail Gel TUTORIALTesting UV LED Stamping Gel from Born PrettyDIY DIP POWDER Nails at Home15 Magnetic Nail Art DesignsBubble Nails 3 Different Ways SPIDER GEL Nail Art Ideas For business and media inquiries please send an email to laurart yt gmail com__ My filming editing equipment This video was made in collaboration and sponsorship with Madam Glam This does not affect my opinions on the products shown
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画2...
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画2017 #126 #猫かわいい #猫 私のチャンネルを購読する →
放大也沒問題! Dior超完美特務粉底液試用實測
如果你喜歡超薄超貼柔霧的粉底液 但又想要遮瑕感很足夠 我大力推薦你們這隻粉底液 平常我喜歡的粉底通常以濕潤為主 但這隻的保濕平滑感 真的會讓我忘記他是一隻霧面的粉底液了 我平常使用#10 #12 #30 這三個色混色喔
Okonomiyaki in the morning お好み...
美白な朝にお好み焼きを作りました。焼きそば入りの広島焼きです。なんて美味しいんでしょう。 *レシピ*(たっぷり1人前) 1.薄力粉 40gに水 90gを少しずつ加えながら混ぜ、生地を作る。 2.ホットプレートに油をひく。 3.1を少し残し、丸く流し込む。 4....
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DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY! Expand for the rules :)
Hand embroidery Border design ...
Hand embroidery Border design | Border design for dresses
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長編みで作るブロック編みのような模様です。 2段目以降は同じ編み方の繰り返しです。 ◆編み図はこちらをご覧ください。