by The Scran Line



SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW CHANNEL FOLLOW ME HERE HELPFUL LINKS About The Scran LineOh hey there My name is Nick I m a pastry chef and graphic designer Combine these two passions together and you get The Scran Line Join me on my baking adventures twice a week I post every Tuesday and Friday DANCING QUEEN CUPCAKESMakes 14429g all purpose flour265g caster superfine sugar1 2 tsp salt 3 tsp baking powder375ml of milk125ml vegetable oil125g unsalted butter softened2 tbsp Greek yogurt can substitute with sour cream 1 tsp vanilla extract2 large eggs 2 tsp strawberries and cream essence or any flavour of your chooising To make the colours for the frosting and batter you ll need the following food gel colours RED 2 drops red red food gel 2 drops deep pink food gelPINK 2 drops deep pink food gelORANGE 2 drops orange food gel 1 drop yellow food gelYELLOW 3 drops yellow food gelGREEN 2 drops teal food gel 1 drop yellow food gel optional BLUE 1 drop sky blue food gelPURPLE 2 drops deep purple food gel 2 drops deep pink food gelFrosting1 batch Swiss meringue buttercream frosting



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