DIY Beautiful cardboard box | Handmade decor | Сraft idea
In this video I will show you how to make a beautiful cardboard box with your own hands Hope you like the idea diyideas diy diycraftThe base of the box was made of cardboard The video showed all sizes I glued the parts with hot glue Inside she pasted the box with Kraft paper And outside with paper napkins Used PVA glue After the napkins and paper have dried I applied the spackling paste and let it dry I glued a metal handle to the lid of the box with universal glue I made flowers from pistachio shells and balls of different sizes from self hardening clay Decorated the lid with them The balls were mixed in advance with a small amount of PVA glue and distributed over the lid Painted with acrylics Top covered with acrylic varnish Other videos here Creative inspiration to you and subscribe to the channel
How to stop SKIN PICKING| Dr D...
Dermatologist Dr Dray gives tips for how to stop picking your skin and how to stop picking acne. Use code DRDRAY to save 15% on H...
Product Passport | Travel-Insp...
I’ve always enjoyed thinking about the beauty identities of different places and using products named after locations. This video ...
Please be careful where you are buying your makeup. xo's ~ Tati 😇 SAVE w/ HALO DISCOUNT BUNDLES 🥝 » » »
Plan With Me! September Bullet...
Hey guys! It's time for another plan with me bullet journal setup for September 2017! The bujo setup for September and its cover i...
SO MUCH NEW MAKEUP AT THE DRUGSTORE!!! Here's what I liked and what I didn't. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » »...
Wild Cat Fanatic Lives With 14...
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大好きな柴犬にかまってほしくてジタバタする猫 Needy C...
柴犬🐶もも(7歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(1〜3歳♂) 天は甘え方が不器用すぎてもどかしくなるけど、空はドストレートに甘えるのにかまってもらえないことがあるからそれはそれで見てて切ない。 ももだって本当は誰より甘えたがりなのに我慢してることあ...