My NEW 2019 Bullet Journal Set...
My new 2019 New Bullet Journal/Planner Setup video is finished and ready to take me to 2020!
In meinem Tutorial zeige ich dir dieses DEKO Herz mit Pflanztopf und im 2 Teil die Bepflanzung der BETON KATZE Tipps Tricks gibt es dazu viel Spaß beim kreativ seinder LINK zum HERSTELLEN DER BETON KATZE
My new 2019 New Bullet Journal/Planner Setup video is finished and ready to take me to 2020!
Cute Little Rescue Dog Is So Spoiled - BETHANEE UPDATE | This dog is her mom’s BABY 👶❤️
#haul #beautyhaul #fashionhaul
There are 5 main foot types. And your foot shape tells your personality. What's the meaning of each foot type & how to know what y...
I just returned from a quick trip to Catania, Sicily to rescue EDNA, a beautiful dog with hydrocephalus rescued from the road to t...
If you follow me on Instagram (@cupcakejemma), you might have noticed I've been on holiday for a while. Lucky me! But the gang bac...
➤成為豆漿專屬頻道會員,留言就會有超Q徽章及專屬表情 ☑ 頻道會員: ➤這麼可愛的豆漿 趕快訂閱關注豆漿第一手影片照片!! ☑ 訂閱豆漿: ➤豆漿所在地: ☑...
サーモンは、鮮度の良い刺身用のものを与えております。 動画内の食材はチェックしたうえで、小春にとって大丈夫な量を与えております。 もしもこの動画を観て、『我が家の犬にもあげたいな』と思った方は 必ずご自身でのチェックを忘れずに、体調や年齢を考慮に入れ 自己責任...
Today's makeup tutorial is a daytime glam look, featuring a prismatic Crystal Rose eyeshadow look! This is pretty easy to replicat...
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