DIY : Christmas decoration by Søstrene Grene
In December the sisters prefer to enjoy their morning tea while they watch the Advent candle pass another day See and allow yourself to be inspired by how Anna has created her christmas decoration Find the products from the video in your local Søstrene Grene shop Remember to press the thumbs up button and tell all your friends about this simple but creative way of making gifts for your friends You can also subscribe to our channel for notifications on Anna s DIY videos on fun craft projects On our YouTube channel you can find creative inspiration and tutorials on DIY projects styling painting and even cooking All our videos aspire to encourage playfulness and creativity for all ages kids and adults alike Best regards SØSTRENE GRENEFind further inspiration on our other social media channels Video timeline Materials 0 01Final product 0 58KategoriPersoner og blogsLicensYouTubes standardlicens
Street Food in Italy - Sicily
Siracusa, hometown of Archimedes and a Street Food artist.
하얀 고양이들은 진짜 다 개냥이일까?
오늘은 하루 종일 코코와 라라가 저를 따라다녔어요. 고양이들도 가끔씩 사랑이 넘치는 날이 있는 것 같아요.
SAKI Painting Time-lapse | Pol...
Thank you so much for your support! ❤️ ‣
ВАТРУШКИ с творогом ☆ ПУХОВОЕ ...
Сегодня испечем ароматные ватрушки с нежной творожной начинкой;)
ТРИ коррекции в ОДНОМ ВИДЕО/ П...
В этом видео целых 3 истории преображения одних ногтей, будет очень интересно. Приятного просмотра❤
野菜をたっぷり詰め込んだ「ひよこ豆のコロッケ ピタパンサンド...
Is This How Cats Party?
A cat pajama party with catnip & bunny kicks. Smoothie showing her wild side, while Milkshake observes. Till they both fall asleep...
专门为猫咪设计的几款游戏 老母亲决定让家里猫咪试着玩一下 大猫咪一眼就看穿了 屏幕里面是假的逗猫棒和老鼠 结果最小的猫咪玩得最疯 以为是个青铜 没想到竟然成了王者!!! 我们来看看猫咪们 到底是怎么玩游戏的吧