Steak | Basics with Babish
Want to learn how to cook a steak perfectly each time? Look no further. We’re focusing on both ribeye and skirt steak in this epis...
WHAAAAT I can t believe I m even making this video Earlier this week I received a PR Box from TATI BEAUTY pinch me with the very first Textured Neutrals palette inside I seriously can t even believe it In this video I ll be swatching reviewing and creating a look using the palette as well as doing a wear test I hope you all enjoy the video and I hope you find it helpful I love you all so much Be sure to subscribe to Tati s channel and turn on your notifications so that you don t miss her in depth video on Friday xoxo TIME STAMPSINFO 0 44SWATCHES 4 49TUTORIAL 10 29WEAR TEST 26 19 TATI BEAUTYTati Beauty Textured Neutrals Eyeshadow Palette 486 Shades 4 FinishesParaben Free Vegan Formula Made in the USA Worldwide Shipping Afterpay Available JOIN THE FAMILY ALSO MENTIONEDMy hubby and I started a food account on IG We share tons of fun healthy recipes every week OTHER PRODUCTS USED WHAT I M WEARINGNails KL Polish Medusa BRUSHES I FREQUENTLY USE CAMERA LENS DISCOUNT CODES BUSINESS ONLY info alliegbeauty comSome links may be affiliate This video is not sponsored
Want to learn how to cook a steak perfectly each time? Look no further. We’re focusing on both ribeye and skirt steak in this epis...
We hid a $25 Amazon e-card code in today's video! Be the first person to find it and redeem the code! We might do this more often ...
I have finally found a way to justify buying hundreds of vintage patterns.
Since it's December, I figured we should make Christmas ornaments! But.. I brought my husband on with me so we made a bunch of orn...
For the full written instructions, information on substitutions, information on scaling, shelf life, and links to all the ingredie...
Noir Brownies ノアールブラウニー 美味しいから作ってもらいたい! The dough with chocolate and cocoa powder is very moist and thick, and the Noir Black Coc...
Hope you guys enjoyed this kinda different video! First and foremost sorry about the audio — it is currently boiling in Portugal a...
上野動物園で生まれた赤ちゃんパンダ、すくすくと育っているようですね。今回はシャンシャンの誕生と名前が決まったことをお祝いして、動物ポンポンのパンダを作ってみました。 顔だけ作ってブローチにしてもかわいいので、よかったらお試しください。
簡単で美味しい!ダブルチョコパイ♡Easy! chocolate pie with Frozen Pie Crusts 冷凍パイ生地で今年はこんなチョコづくしのサクサクダブルチョコパイにしてみました。 去年はチョコを中に入れただけだったので、今年は上からもチ...
今日のおやつは「水まんじゅう」を作りました(*´∀`*) 食べるだけで「夏!」という感じがします。
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