HEY brides and brides to be! This is the fifth episode of my wedding series DIY. These bridal party ideas range from all differen...
This video shows the process of making CLEAR POUCH BAG This bag is practical because it has many pockets Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Finished size 25 9⅞ W 16 5 6½ HMaterialsOuter layer fabric 27 36 10¾ 14⅛ 1 27 18 5 10¾ 7½ 1 27 6 10¾ 2⅜ 1 4 3 1⅝ 1⅛ 4Lining fabric 27 36 10¾ 14⅛ 1 27 18 5 10¾ 7½ 1Mesh Fabric 22 18 5 8¾ 7½ 1Vinyl fabric 27 13 5 10¾ 5⅜ 1Zipper 24 9½ 2View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound sunny sewingtimes
HEY brides and brides to be! This is the fifth episode of my wedding series DIY. These bridal party ideas range from all differen...
I'm back in Las Vegas after many years, and I had to come back to Sterling Brunch at Bally's which they're known for their famous ...
A lot of you guys have been asking me what I've been doing in quarantine & how I have been doing during this time, so I decided to...
大きいサイズ(スーパー用) 表生地 50cm×42cm 2枚 持ち手 13cm×38cm 2枚
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Thank you to Amazon for partnering with me on this video!
Вот и завершающая часть декора свадебного торта! В этом видеоуроке вы научитесь крепить различные элементы декора на торт, тонир...
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