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Hey loves I hope you enjoy this tutorial Please forgive me if I speed through the sewing portion or it s a little choppy filming while pregnant is more difficult I filmed half of this at night so I was tired AND I was making up the pattern as I went YOU ll NEED 2 balls of cotton butcher s twine or weight 4 5 cotton yarn 6mm hook2 heavy zippers 18inch1 small zipper 9inch1 2 yard exterior fabric1 2yard interior fabric2 1 2 yards cotton bag strap2 rectangle or D rings2 adjustable strap ringsBias tapeNeedle and thread or sewing machineALSO there s a small mistake when sewing the interior the front pocket zipper opens to the inside of the bag not the pocket You have to attach the first inner lining to the zipper on the inside before sewing the lining in I hope y all can figure it out I completely forgot to do it Anyway if you have any more suggestions for tutorials let me know Thanks for watchingxxFOLLOW ME MUSIC background music I made in GarageBandEDITING iMovie lol FILMED EDITED BY DANA BOLD
Вяжем невесомый снуд в технике энтерлак спицами по кругу!
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