DIY Crossbody Sling Bag | 메신저백 슬링백 | Messenger bag tutorial and sewing pattern sewingtimes

by sewingtimes

DIY Crossbody Sling Bag | 메신저백 슬링백 | Messenger bag tutorial and sewing pattern sewingtimes


This video shows the process of making a crossbody sling bag I shared a pattern so you can make your own messenger bag sewingtimes show you how to make it easy Have a great time Share this video with a lot of people who need it Free Pattern DownloadFinished size 17 6¾ W 27 5 10¾ H 6 2⅜ DMaterialsOuter layer 19 29 5 7½ 11⅝ 2fabric 4 5 38 1¾ 15 2fabric 8 46 3⅛ 18⅛ 1fabric 19 21 7½ 8¼ 1fabric 9 10 3½ 4 2fabric 11 50 4⅜ 19¾ 2fabric 10 19 5 4 7¾ 1fabric 3 30 1⅛ 11¾ 1fabric Total Outer layer 55 21⅜ 85cm 33⅝ Lining 19 29 5 7½ 11⅝ 2fabric 4 5 38 1¾ 15 2fabric 8 46 3⅛ 18⅛ 1fabric 19 21 7½ 8¼ 1fabric 19 42 7½ 16½ 1fabric 10 19 5 4 7¾ 1fabric 3 30 1⅛ 11¾ 1fabric Total Lining 55 21⅜ 66cm 26⅛ Zipper 15 6 25 9⅞ 38 15 View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound sunny sewingtimes SlingBag Messengerbagtutorial



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