DIY : Decorative pumpkins by Søstrene Grene

by Søstrene Grene's DIY Videos

DIY : Decorative pumpkins by Søstrene Grene


Anna s excitement for Halloween has no limits Therefore she has made decorative Halloween ornaments which perfectly fit the colours of autumn Find the products from the video in your local Søstrene Grene shop Remember to press the thumbs up button and tell all your friends about this simple but creative way of making gifts for your friends You can also subscribe to our channel for notifications on Anna s DIY videos on fun craft projects On our YouTube channel you can find creative inspiration and tutorials on DIY projects styling painting and even cooking All our videos aspire to encourage playfulness and creativity for all ages kids and adults alike Best regards SØSTRENE GRENEFind further inspiration on our other social media channels Video timeline Materials 0 01Final product 1 21KategoriPersoner og blogsLicensYouTubes standardlicens



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