DIY: How To Make a NO-SEW Fringe Skirt! (DESIGNER HACK) -By Orly Shani

by The DIY Designer

DIY: How To Make a NO-SEW Fringe Skirt! (DESIGNER HACK) -By Orly Shani


I m so stoked to share this NO SEW DIY Fringe Skirt with you guys It looks so expensive and impressive but comes together really easily It s all about getting those markings on your skirt so that you have a guide for you fabric glue that s it I chose to do double layer of fringe which is why I went through 9 yards of Fringe MATERIALSFringe 8 long Silk Chainette Fringe 7 10 yards from Mood FabricsFAQSONG AT THE END love me like a stranger by BasixxWASHING INSTRUCTIONS Dry clean or you can spot clean If a few pieces of fringe get dirty then you should grab some mild soap and hand wash those few pieces Rinse them clean and hang the skirt up to dry You can use a blow dryer to make sure they dry straightHOW MUCH FRINGE DO YOU NEED Measure your skirt or your body You want to measure the circumference of each row times how many rows you ll want Then add those together and divide by 36 one yard and you ll know how many yards you need HOW TO MAKE A DRESS VERSION It s an identical process but you just keep going all the way up the dress Mark your lines from the top and just keep applying the fringe up to the bust This DIY Fringe Skirt video was sponsored by Skillshare




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