DIY Long Sleeve Shirt Dress | Develop Basic Pattern | Zoe DIY

by Zoe DIY

DIY Long Sleeve Shirt Dress | Develop Basic Pattern | Zoe DIY


The Ebook Drafting Pattern An electronic book VideosFilled with detailed description of the steps that will help you easily draft the sewing pattern with each separate measurement this method can be applied to girls 13 years and older and for different body shapes and sizes All easy steps instructions for drafting patterns will teach you creating projects blouse dress skirt pants short and jumpsuit If you intend to start a fashion business this will be an option for you With E book and videos tutorial you will soon be stitching projects This pattern is for personal use only selling or distributing is not allowed If you need information don t hesitate to contact Us Zoediy thu gmail comMs Thu Zoe DIY Thank you so much for watchingIf you enjoyed please leave a LIKE SHARE this videoand SUBSCRIBE to my channel to getting new videos every weekHave a good day Follow me



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