DIY MACRAME Home Decor (wall hanging, dip dye + dog toys) | XO, MaCenna

by XO, MaCenna

DIY MACRAME Home Decor (wall hanging, dip dye + dog toys) | XO, MaCenna


DONATING 50 of net sales to NKLA Best Friends Animal societyFollow Me on INSTAGRAM macennaleeHappy Sunday One of my most requested videos is more MACRAME Today we are making a medium sized macrame wall hanging and dip dying it also using all our scrap cord to make cute DOY TOYS for Kinsley Don t forget to shop the collection of drawstring bags as 50 will be donated to NKLA Best Friends Animal Society MY MACRAME MEASUREMENTS Finished measurement 20 wide x 27 Used 19 strands of cord for the 3 semi circles each measuring 90 eachUsed 60 strands of cord for the front dyed swag measuring 40 LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE below if you guys love DIYs just as much as I do XO MaCennaFollow me on Instagram macennalee Pinterest macennalee Romeo s Instagram its romeoooBUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY xomacenna select coDIY DESIGN INQUIRIES askmacenna gmail com FTC This video is not sponsored



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