DIY Mens Shirt into Summer Dress and Top (Ft. Q2HAN) | Thrifted Transformations Ep. 53

by coolirpa

DIY Mens Shirt into Summer Dress and Top (Ft. Q2HAN) | Thrifted Transformations Ep. 53


In this episode I transform 2 men s shirt into a summer dress and backwards top Check out Q2HAN S take on the deconstructed shirt here GIVEAWAY CLOSED The link BELOW gifts 2 lucky girls FREE Shoes Goodluck Don t forget to follow teleportshoes and coolirpa on Instagram to qualify Giveaway is for US only Giveaway runs for the next 48 hours and there will be 2 winners Winners will be contacted through email Follow Me Snap c00lirpaMy sewing machines Serger Juki mo 1000Sewing machine Juki HZL G SeriesDress form Mannequin 10 OFF CODE APRIL10 MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHY BY erikphotoman on instagram FTC Shoes were given by Zooshoo to pair with my outfits and for the giveaway



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