DIY Old Jeans Fanny Pack 슬링백 만들기 | Recycle old jeans to sling bag [sewingtimes]

by sewingtimes

DIY Old Jeans Fanny Pack 슬링백 만들기 | Recycle old jeans to sling bag [sewingtimes]


I recycled old jeans into make a fanny pack today I ve shared a pattern so you can make this Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Finished size 42 16½ W 18 7⅛ H 9 3½ DFree Pattern DownloadMaterialsOuter layer fabric 44 20 17½ 8 1 37 10 14⅝ 4 1 42 16 16½ 6¼ 1 6 8 2⅜ 3⅛ 2Lining fabric 44 20 17½ 8 1 37 10 14⅝ 4 1 42 16 16½ 6¼ 1 6 8 2⅜ 3⅛ 2 38 19 15 7½ 2Zipper 38 15 32 12⅝ View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound perception sewingtimes diyFannyPack RecycleJeans



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