The BEST Fruit Tart Recipe
You will LOVE my fruit tart recipe!!! Few things are more delicious than a classic fresh fruit tart; creamy custard filling surrou...
DIY OPEN WIDE POUCH 2 SIZE How to make a tray pouch with a wide bottom sewingtimes Try making a practical bag at home Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time SMALLFinished size 9 3⅝ W 4 5 1⅞ H 4 5 1⅞ DMaterialsOuter layer fabric 1 19 5 11 7½ 4⅛ Lining fabric 4 7 5 7 5 2½ 2½ 1 19 5 19 7½ 7⅛ 2 11 5 9 4¼ 3¼ 2 3 5 1¼ 2 2 14 5 4 5¾ 1¼ Zipper 20 8 BIGFinished size 17 6¾ W 9 3⅝ H 9 3⅝ DMaterialsOuter layer fabric 1 36 5 19 14¼ 7⅛ Lining fabric 4 12 12 4¼ 4¼ 1 36 5 35 5 14¼ 13¾ 2 20 16 7⅝ 6⅛ 2 5 5 2 2 2 23 4 9 1¼ Zipper 40 16 DIY OPEN WIDE POUCH BLOGView other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound energy sewingtimes diyPouchBag sewingTutorial
You will LOVE my fruit tart recipe!!! Few things are more delicious than a classic fresh fruit tart; creamy custard filling surrou...
안녕하세요, 냥숲입니다!🌷
Because this video is everywhere except on my own channel, here's the "Who knew that this cat could sound so angelic?" video and t...
提供:ジェイ・ウォーカー 白:モッチスキン 吸着泡洗顔 炭:モッチスキン 吸着泡洗顔 BK(通称:黒モッチスキン) 公式サイト:
안녕하세요🥰 이번에는 라즈베리 타르트, 미니 타르트 3종, 퐁당 쇼콜라, 티라미수 그리고 젖소 쿠키를 만들었어요~! 젖소 쿠키는 레시피도 올려두었으니 한번 만들어 보세요ㅎㅎ 바닐라 아이스크림에 올려 먹어도 맛있어요🤤🤤 그럼 이번 영...
오팔프리즘 Live! - 크리스탈마블, 틴트플라워 네일아트 / Crystal Marble, Tint Flower Nail art
好久不見的愛用品來啦~~~~ 去年每個月拍 覺得太頻繁之外有種東西還不夠愛用的感覺 事隔這麼久再次分享前三個月的愛用品 真的可以說是精華中的精華 不夠愛用的完全沒放進來哈哈哈哈哈 也因為真的很愛用很多話可以講 話特別多:)
Мастер-класс по созданию цветочных сережек кисточек своими руками из полимерной глины. Подробный пошаговый видео-урок по лепке и ...
Enjoy this review of the latest Dollar Bead Box and Dollar Bead Bag Link to website: http://www.dolla...
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