Cutest Pig Babys Funny and Cu...
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Hi dear friends I milk am back with a kiiiiinda different art video which is a doodle with me I rarely show my sketches or simpler drawings in videos so I decided to make a short doodle session while drawing some of my favourite things such as plants tea art related things and fruits I listened to an audio book while drawing so I can multitask my way out and feel more accomplished in the end of the day and reeeeally enjoyed the calm and relaxing feeling I had while doing these doodles I hope this video can inspire some of you to try out not so perfect things and to just relax a bit when painting or drawing and to just simply do easy things remember friends you don t always have to make big drawings that look perfect and put together also sometimes a short session of doodling is much needed to refresh your thoughts and to get more energy before a loooonger painting session The markers I used for this video were actually kindly sent to me by the Chalkola team for free and I got the sets neon and earth tones Always stay safe and healthy Hope you enjoy and as always thank you so so much for watching Lots of love Milkcloud want to support us our social media songs Pair Piano want to send us a letter fanpost postcards etc Milk Cloud Postfach 614471077 Herrenberg GERMANY Contact Milkcloudd gmail com
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How to sew a draw-string bag シンプルな巾着袋の作り方です
もふもふのスミルナステッチは平面な刺繍を立体的に見せてくれるかわいいステッチです! 使い方しだいで刺繍のバリエーションが増えますね。皆様もぜひチャレンジしてみてください♪
Hi everyone today's video was actually from a request long long ago, when someone saw these goldfish practices that I did in my ol...
夏の宿敵コガネムシを発見したネコ吉です。 わが家ですっかり夏の風物詩となったネコ吉とコガネムシの網戸バトル。 今年ももうそんな季節がやって来ました。 カランコロンと言う音はBGMではなく近くの工事の音です。 うるさくてすいません。
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