Drugstore Makeup Thats Replaced Some of My High End Makeup Favs | Mariah Leonard

by Mariah Leonard

Drugstore Makeup Thats Replaced Some of My High End Makeup Favs | Mariah Leonard


Going over some drugstore products that have either replaced some of my ultimate high end makeup favs or are used just as often if not more I m trying to incorporate more drugstore products topics on my channel this year feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments I do plan to revisit this particular video topic from time to time too PRODUCTSRevlon Cheek Flushing Tints these are supposed to be on Revlon s website right now no idea why they aren t D DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored All opinions good or bad are SOLELY my own PR samples free makeup will NEVER sway my own opinion of a brand or product I DO implement commissioned links in the above product listing Lastly please remember that what I state about how a products performs looks and wears or the way I describe something is OPINION and not fact Always do your own research BUSINESS INQUIRIES mariah infagency comINSTAGRAM TWITTER



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