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Dubai Food is incredibly delicious We visited Dubai in the UAE to try some traditional Emirati Cuisine and joined up with our friend Peyman to eat a whole camel platter with rice and eggs This is a traditional Emirati meal that is usually reserved for special occasions or very exclusive guests It s not a normal Dubai Street Food but that s why it s so good It is an extremely rare Arab food nowadays You have to be incredibly lucky to experience this whole camel platter This is definitely one of the must try foods in Dubai It is a traditional Emirati food and is one of the best things to do in Dubai Camel meat is something that may be sensitive to some viewers so make sure you re comfortable with watching the camel cooking The chefs who prepared the camel recipe were originally from the South of India in Kerala but have been living in Dubai for over 20 years If you re thinking of traveling to Dubai for a food trip you can t go wrong there is so much delicious Emirati cuisine and amazing street food to try I must admit most of the food is in Dubai restaurants that are clean and quiet but that is part of the charm of Dubai First Peyman and I checked out the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa and then made our way to the one and only Camel Restaurant address below Entire Camel Platter in Dubai Zaman Awal RestaurantAddress Al Boom Village Dubai UAE United Arab EmiratesIf you re wondering if you should eat street food in Dubai or go for regular restaurants in Dubai I recommend mixing it up and going for both In this food video we are solely visiting one of the best restaurants in dubai for the whole camel plate The Food Ranger YouTube www youtube com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger Instagram www instagram com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger FB www facebook com thefoodrangerMY GEAR AND RESOURCES BEST VPN FOR CHINA ACCESS YOUTUBE In the next video we re going for even more street food around the world Thanks so much for watching all of my Egyptian street food tour videos Make sure to subscribe to this video
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/katyabobcat ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/bobcattv Live-канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/bobcat...
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Need to brush up your cooking skills? We're here to help! Anyone can make these easy and impressive chicken dinners.
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