Durian Season in Singapore

by DancingBacons

Durian Season in Singapore


Durians galore its durian season in Singapore Named the smelliest fruit in the world you definitely can smell it in the air lolBut most south east asians such as me love the taste of them Its like eating creamy custard with a kick Very unique and complex taste that is impossible to get anywhere else That is why its fondly known as the king of fruits to us But the price of durian is not cheap so eating them is a delicacy Many durians shops are quite aggressive and aren t very honest so we must watch out for those In This video we bring you guys around how is it like at a durian stall in a neighborhood part of Singapore We filmed this at The Durian Tree which is one of the trusted and honest durian stall in Singapore The queue for durians was snaking long Thank you to The Durian Tree for giving us permission to film thisThe Durian TreeAddress Blk 277 Bukit Batok East Avenue 3 Singapore 650277



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