ティっ子とティッティが仲良しに! Thea and Tiar...
This easy summer hairstyle of 2020 was inspired by the heat wave we ve been under I wanted to create a cute summer hair tutorial that was not only quick simple but would look beautiful while getting your hair up off your neck and most importantly keeping you nice and cool I call this my heatwave updo but it s just a simple pony tail with a french knotted braid which is perfect for medium long hair lengths I also shared one of my favourite hair products to fight humidity this product is magical just wait till you see the results I hope you re all enjoying your summer so far and that this hair tutorial can help you stay cool Don t forget to tag me in your recreations on Instagram I would love to see FOLLOW MEFor business inquiries email me at agabourybiz gmail com PRODUCTS IN VIDEO Video Chapters 00 00 Intro00 24 Hair Prep1 42 Hair Tutorial4 45 Final Look SIMILAR EASY HAIRSTYLESEASY HAIRSTYLES FOR SPRING SUMMER 20206 QUICK EASY HAIRSTYLES Cute Long Hair HairstylesEASY SUMMER HAIRSTYLES WITH A SCARFThe BEST Heatless Overnight Curls Tutorial90s INSPIRED HAIRSTYLE SummerHairstyles EasyHairstyle HairTutorialDisclaimer This video is not sponsored Some of the above links are affiliate links
伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 今回は家でのんびり過ごす平日の一日を紹介します。
밀가루도 오븐도 없이 만드는 피자. 감자와 계란으로 만든 피자도우는 맛이 어떨까. 구수하고 쫄깃한 맛이 일품인 간단 피자 만들어보세요.
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Grab the RECIPE here: https://www.thescranline.com/mermaid-sea-kween-cupcakes
ご視聴ありがとうございます❤️ 本日は黒髪に合いそうなメイクをしてみました! 黒髪さん参考になれば嬉しいです💄 わたくしは似合わなすぎて 永久ハイトーンにすることを決めました🙂 チャンネル登録&高評価よろしくお願いします! 失礼致します。 ■インスタグラム ...
モデルであり様々なフィールドで活躍するLAYLAが今度は普段のメイクを披露します。普段メイクと言っても最後に登場した時からは かなり雰囲気も服装も変わったLAYLA。あの頃とはどのように違ったメイクを披露するのでしょうか
Stitch the sketch is about modern embroidery designs, I share with you embroidery and a new ways on how to stitch modern leaves, ...
Time for another plant haul — lots of “gorgeous” houseplants! Thanks for watching!
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