Dog attacked with a shovel los...
I´m too ill to speak to the camera today.. Three updates, SKY, SHARKY and AMY... Sky was attacked with a shovel in Romania a few ...
Easy Kinako Cookies ほっこり さくほろ香ばしきな粉クッキー This recipe is quick and easy My friend who loves roasted soybean flour Kinako requested these きな粉好きな友人が頬ずりするクッキーです 笑バターなし 卵なし ボウルで混ぜて形を整えて焼くだけ クッキー作りたいけど面倒なあなたにもこれはささっと出来るに違いない きな粉クッキーを頬張りながらほっこり出来るおまけ付き 緑茶にぴったりな相棒です チャンネル登録お願いします Subscribe to my channel Ingredients 18Cookies100g Cake flour 20g granulated sugar 3g Baking powder 15g Kinako roasted soybean flour 40g Vegetable oil 20g Kinako roasted soybean flour to finish Directions ①Mix the Cake flour granulated sugar Baking powder and Kinako together ②Add the oil and mix well The dough is ready when it reaches the same firmness of your earlobes ③Form the dough into flat round shapes and bake for 15min at 170 then they re done Once they cool they are crispy If you touch them they will crumble so wait until they have cooled down The baking time will vary depending on your oven so adjust accordingly 材料 18きな粉クッキー薄力粉 100gグラニュー糖 20gベーキングパウダー 3gきな粉 15gサラダ油 40g 仕上げにきな粉 20g 作り方 ①ボウルに薄力粉 きな粉 ベーキングパウダー グラニュー糖を入れてよく混ぜる ②サラダ油を加えてゴムベラで混ぜる ③生地を丸めて平らにしてオーブンペーパーを敷いた天板に並べ170 に温めたオーブンで15分焼いて出来上がり 焼き上がりは崩れやすいのでそのまま冷まし 完全に冷めたらお好みできな粉をまぶす サラダ油はまとまるギリギリの量にしてありますので 減らさないで作ってください
I´m too ill to speak to the camera today.. Three updates, SKY, SHARKY and AMY... Sky was attacked with a shovel in Romania a few ...
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This all lizard and reptile weekly comp from Funny Pet Videos is filled with hilarious bloopers and reaction shots from the funnie...
Cutting your own bangs is not the hardest trick in the book, but June hasn't tried it before and she doesn't exactly have the righ...
Hey you guys ! OMG THIS VIDEO is LONG overdue! but again I've been so busy haha. I don't think i'll ever not be busy again.
Today, we're going DEEP into the heart of downtown Marrakech, to try some AMAZING Moroccan Street Food. You can explore with us as...
トレンドメイクを先取り! 毎年PANTONEが発表しているテーマカラー2019年のトレンドカラーは「リビングコーラル」エチュードの新作やセザンヌの新作などプチプラコスメを使って、トレンドカラーメイクをしてみました! 肌馴染みが良くて使いやすい色なのでぜひチェッ...
Hi everyone,
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Бывает, что моллюски не хотят создавать культивированный жемчуг, и тогда получается нелепый и очаровательный жемчуг кеши.
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