今日は登録者数50万人を記念して久しぶりにyoutubeライブをしたよ💓 久しぶりのyoutubeライブにドキドキ😆!
Hi guys Welcome back to my channel today I m here to show you my soft smokey eyes for this fall autumn with a hint of pink As always thank you so much for your love and support I hope you guys like it FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM sichenmakeupholicFACEBOOK sichenmakeupholicTWITTER sichenchan Products List NARS velvet matte skin tint finlandAPIRLSKIN 4D stick diet BronzerCOLOURPOP PeriluneKAT V D Lock it Setting PowderMAC 188 BrushBENIFIT Brow Zings Eyebrow Shaping Kit DEEPZOEVA 322 brushEYEKO BROW GELCANMAKE Cover Stretch Concealer LIGHT BEIGECOLOURPOP LOWKEY PALLETTE ZOEVA ROSE GOLDEN COMPLETE EYE SETVol 2 BRUSHCOLOURPOP HIGH MAINTENANCE PALLETESEPHORA COLLECTION 12hr Contour Eye Pencil romantic HolidayZOEVA Graphic Eyes Rock n Roll Bride 1 2 gEYEKO Lash Alert Mascara FALSE LASHES Eyemazing 006 Cut it into 4 small individuals lashes TARTE Amazonian clay12 hour blush BlissfulNYX MACARON LIPPIES orange blossomMAC 210 BrushESTEE LAUDER Pure Color Envy Sculpting Gloss passionateFuchsia ZOEVA Pure Velours Lips The outsiderZOEVA Pure Lacquer Lips strong career Contact lens PINKICONEYEDDiCT 1 Day DUSTY NUDE AMAZING TRACK BY PLS TYPLS TY Run Wild
今日は登録者数50万人を記念して久しぶりにyoutubeライブをしたよ💓 久しぶりのyoutubeライブにドキドキ😆!
The moment this dog saves her kitten from falling into the pool 😍
Allow me to demonstrate how I prune this Nelly Stevens Holly. I’m taking off length on the branch tips to reduce its girth and wid...
A tiny pet bunny rabbit eats celery! The rabbit loves eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and crunchy celery is one of the rabbit'...
Besides being gracious hosts, the folks from Jacksonville, NC who hosted us for the Veteran's Day parade, gave us a wonderful gift...
記得訂閱頻道,打開小鈴鐺🔔 https://goo.gl/PFKb3d 每週三、六 21:30分準時發片😎 Email ▸▸▸ courage0024@hotmail.com.tw (For business inquiries) Facebook ▸▸▸...
Happy National Friendship Day!
かわうそ1ねんせいのはなちゃんと2ねんせいのこたろーくん。 はなちゃんはじぶんのなふだをげっとー。 さっそくころがしてこたろーくんのおひるねをじゃまするのだ。 あーなんだかねむくなってきちゃった。。 あたまになふだつけたらみんなになまえおぼえてもらえるかなあ。...
DIY CLEAR WINDOW ID WALLET | How to make vinyl window card holder [sewingtimes] This video shows how to easily make CLEAR WINDOW I...
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