Historical Styles - Victorian (1860s) Hair and Make-up Tutorial

by CrowsEyeProductions

Historical Styles - Victorian (1860s) Hair and Make-up Tutorial


A hair and make up tutorial inspired by the styles of the 1860s Liv Free styles Kate Fenwick using modern techniques and tools that you can do at home Learn some surprising things about Victorian beauty practices Model Kate Fenwick Director Nic Loven



柴犬子猫 癒しの被り物♡動物派?フルーツ派?-- Shiba...

  • by リキリコとリリリム【R4】 999

ガチャガチャで見つけた猫ちゃんのフルーツ帽子♪父ちゃんが嬉しそうに買ってきました! さぁ~て、子猫リリリムは被ってくれるかなぁ? 柴犬リキリコもかわいい帽子を被ったよ! 結構お気に入り?♡ #柴犬 #子猫