펜드로잉 과정 처음부터 끝까지!
펜드로잉 첨부터 끝까지 촬영해둔게 있어서 열심히 편집해봤어요😏 재미있게 봐주세요~ 사용 도구: 시그노 유니볼, 윈저 앤 뉴튼 잉크, 화홍 붓 2호와 6호, 종이판넬
We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache it is perfect for the summer But the trick is chocolate agar agar Recipe1 Lightly oil the mold with vegetable oil 2 Combine and mix 50 g of cocoa powder 30 g of cake flour and 60 g of sugar 3 Pour in 200 ml of milk and mix 4 In a pot mix in 400 ml of milk and two teaspoons of agar agar powder 5 Heat step four s mixture on a low flame while mixing 6 Allow to boil for 30 seconds while mixing 7 Turn off the flame temporarily and mix in step three s mixture 8 Heat the combined mixture once more on a low flame and allow to boil for 30 seconds while mixing 9 Pour into the mold from step one You can layer in cookies sponge etc as desired 10 When the mixture has cool down place in the refrigerator It will harden even at room temperature 11 Now it is ready It looks like a solid chocolate bar after you firmly pull it out from the mold right Please sugar to taste It is moderately sweet チョコレートバーの型がかわいくて 作ってみたレシピです 冷たくして食べる濃厚な生チョコみたいなので 夏にぴったりです 要は チョコレート寒天ですけどね レシピ 1 型に薄く植物油を塗る 2 ココアパウダー 50g 薄力粉 30g 砂糖 60gを合わせて混ぜる 3 牛乳 200gを入れ混ぜる 4 鍋に牛乳 400gと粉寒天 小さじ 2を入れ混ぜる 5 4を混ぜながら弱火にかける 6 混ぜながら30秒ほど沸騰させる 7 いったん火を止め 3を加え混ぜる 8 再び混ぜながら弱火にかけ 30秒ほど沸騰させる 9 1に流し込む 間に好みのクッキーやスポンジなどを挟むのもいいですよ 10 粗熱が取れたら冷蔵庫で冷やす 常温でも固まります 11 でけた しっかりと型取りできるから一見 固いチョコレートバーみたいでしょ お好みで砂糖の量を増やしてください 甘さ控えめです
펜드로잉 첨부터 끝까지 촬영해둔게 있어서 열심히 편집해봤어요😏 재미있게 봐주세요~ 사용 도구: 시그노 유니볼, 윈저 앤 뉴튼 잉크, 화홍 붓 2호와 6호, 종이판넬
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