NYC & London Fabric Shopping Adventures & New Project Announcement!

by Bernadette Banner

NYC & London Fabric Shopping Adventures & New Project Announcement!


London shops The Silk Society 44 Berwick StreetBerwick Street Cloth Shop 14 Berwick StreetCloth House 47 Berwick StreetBorovick Fabrics 16 Berwick StreetNYC Shops Mokuba 137 W 38th St between 7th and Broadway closing soon tho lace yardagesB J Fabrics 525 7th Ave between 37th and 38th 2nd floor bobbinetDersh Feather 144 W 37th St between Broadway and 7th 4th floor goose quillsSteinlauf Stoller 221 W 37th St between 7th and 8th eyelets hooks eyes silk thread tailor s canvasMood Fabrics 225 W 37th St between 7th and 8th 3rd floorBotani Mentioned 263 W 36th St between 7th and 8thNew York Elegant 242 W 36th St between 7th and 8th 2nd floor black velvet white cotton gold taffeta cotton threadFootage from the Symington Collection used with permission from Leicestershire Collections Portals to Other Realms For business enquiries please contact my representation at bernadettebanner lighthouseagents comRequests for personal dressmaking commissions are not considered at this time Music Cheer Up Bar by Claude Signet epidemicsound com What Might Have Been by Francis Wells epidemicsound com Gentle Waves by Francis Wells epidemicsound com Incidental Encounters by Arthur Benson epidemicsound com Secret Agents by Spectacles Wallet and Watch epidemicsound com



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