Asian Water Monitor, The Best Pet Lizard?

by Clint's Reptiles

Asian Water Monitor, The Best Pet Lizard?


The Asian water monitor Varanus salvator is one of the biggest most beautiful most awesome and common monitors that you can get They even show up on our list of Six of the Best Pet Monitor Lizards Why Not because they are easy but because they have a wonderful personality But is this giant pet reptile the best pet lizard for you Clint is a professional biologist and educator but above all Clint LOVES reptiles and he loves to share that love with everyone he meets Whether you re lover or a hater of reptiles you can t help but get excited with Clint We post a new video every Saturday morning So stay tuned To contact us for BUSINESS purposes clintsreptiles business gmail com You guys are so RAD Fan mail Yes Please Clint s Reptiles770 East Main Street 127Lehi UT 84043If you would like to send a LIVE animal FIRST please send us an email to make sure we can take it in clintsreptiles LIVE gmail com



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