EGG SALAD RECIPE | how to make egg salad 2 easy ways
Egg salad is an easy healthy recipe that can be with or without mayonnaise depending on your preference Learn how to make a classic egg salad with mayo and an avocado egg salad without mayonnaise Plus learn my secret to kicking up the protein in each recipe Both of these egg salad recipes would make a delicious lunch or light dinner and are a great meal to add to your weekend meal prep INGREDIENTS PRODUCTS USED MORE EASY HEALTHY LUNCH RECIPES CLASSIC EGG SALAD RECIPE8 eggs2 tablespoons finely diced red onion2 tablespoons finely diced celery2 tablespoons finely diced radish3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon fresh chopped dill salt and pepper to tastePlace eggs in the bottom of a stainless steel pot add enough water to come one inch above the eggs Bring to a boil shut off the heat pop on the lid and set your timer for 10 minutes In the mean while set up an ice bath by filling a large bowl with ice cubes and cold water Once the timer goes off use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the pot and place into the bath Once the eggs are cool enough to handle peel off the shells Slice four of the eggs in half pop out the yolks you can save them for another time then chop Slice the remaining eggs in half and chop up with the yolks Place the chopped eggs and egg whites into a large bowl and add in onions celery radish mayo dill salt and pepper Gently stir everything together Transfer to an air tight container or enjoy on top of your favorite sandwich bread lettuce wrap to green salad Makes 2 servings NUTRIENTS PER SERVING Calories 310 Total Fat 26g Saturated Fat 5 3g Cholesterol 210mg Sodium 419mg Carbohydrate 32g Dietary Fiber 0 4g Sugars 0 9g Protein 19 2gAVOCADO EGG SALAD RECIPE8 eggs1 large ripe avocado1 tablespoon lemon juice2 tablespoons finely diced red onion2 tablespoons finely diced celery2 tablespoons finely diced radish1 tablespoon fresh chopped dill salt and pepper to tastePlace eggs in the bottom of a stainless steel pot add enough water to come one inch above the eggs Bring to a boil shut off the heat pop on the lid and set your timer for 10 minutes In the mean while set up an ice bath by filling a large bowl with ice cubes and cold water Once the timer goes off use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the pot and place into the bath Once the eggs are cool enough to handle peel off the shells Slice four of the eggs in half pop out the yolks you can save them for another time then chop Slice the remaining eggs in half and chop up with the yolks Scoop avocado into a large bowl and add lemon juice and a pinch of salt Using the back of a fork mash the avocado against the side of the bowl until it s smooth and creamy Add the chopped eggs and egg whites into the bowl along with the onions celery radish dill salt and pepper Gently stir everything together Transfer to an air tight container or enjoy on top of your favorite sandwich bread lettuce wrap to green salad Makes 2 servings NUTRIENTS PER SERVING Calories 273 Total Fat 18 5g Saturated Fat 4 4g Cholesterol 330mg Sodium 243mg Carbohydrate 8 9g Dietary Fiber 4 8g Sugars 1g Protein 20 5gDisclaimer product links may include affiliate links eggsalad healthyrecipes eggsaladrecipe lunchrecipes
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