Paningning Cuteness Overload!
Appreciation video of Panining cuteness 😍
Winter has just arrived French influencer and copywriter Camille Yolaine shares her top elegant French coat choices with Parisian Vibe Her selection consists of a long black coat vintage faux fur coat vintage shearling meanswear inspired brown coat oversized blazer and a mohair cardigan The story starts at a Parisian apartment and continues on the streets of Paris with the visit to Le Bon Marché and a cute Parisian cafe _______________________WHAT CAMILLE IS WEARING LOOK NO 1 LOOK NO 2 LOOK NO 3 LOOK NO 4 LOOK NO 5 LOOK NO 6 _______________________Disclaimer This is not a sponsored video and we all always mention sponsored videos _______________________ For business inquiries marketing parisianvibe co_______________________For more Parisian fashion inspiration watch 5 Parisian Outfits For Autumn And Shopping Rules with Mara Lafontan
Appreciation video of Panining cuteness 😍
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