Gel Nail Lamps: UV vs LED?
What's the difference between a UV lamp and LED lamp? None! Trick question! They're both UV! In this video we take a deep dive...
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What's the difference between a UV lamp and LED lamp? None! Trick question! They're both UV! In this video we take a deep dive...
Thank you to Amazon for partnering with me on this video!
Zutaten: 200 g Karotten 2 Stangen Sellerie 1/2 rote Paprika 1/2 Brokkoli 1 kleine Zwiebel 200 ...
Thank you to Kosas for sponsoring this video! See the links below for more information on the Kosas Chemistry Deodorant.
100均円ショップの材料で人魚の鱗をイメージしたネックレスを作りました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料と購入店を書いています↓ [材料] ・シリコンシート型 :Seria ・UVクラフトレジン液(ハード) :DAISO ・UVカラーレジン液(クリアブルー) :DAIS...
Super cuddly cat.
Hope you enjoy this acrylic set on myself! Using black diamonds, ultra violet. Sourcery, the one monomer and crystal glass .🥳 The ...
#Kittisaurus #Challenge #Kitten Today, I set up a lot of keyboards for my cats! This time, the kittens joined the fun!
Salmon sushi cake made by Chef Devaux
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