River cleaning staff, Aty & Ot...
I was looking for a river that was not so far and had few people, then we ended up in the Doshi river. Aty hadn't left the home fo...
If you are a beginner and would like to learn more about hand embroidery checkout related stitching tutorials on DIYStitching for beginners embroidery and basic hand embroidery designs Today Hand Embroidery Stitches 1 Ribbed Spider Web Stitch 2 Bullion Stitch3 French knots 4 Kamal Kadai Work Flower5 Long French Knot Stitch6 Satin Stitch7 Lazy Daisy stitch8 Satin Stitch9 Long and Short Stitch MATERIALS for 10 Beautiful Hand Embroidery Flowers Fabric Muslin Cotton Linen etc Embroidery Floss Cotton Embroidery Floss Beads Round crystal beads Half Round Flatback Pearl Beads Needle long with a very sharp point in order to move easily through embroidery fabric Fabric Glue Equipment Pens Pencils Pair of scissors Embroidery HoopAmazon _ _ _Subscribe for more videos _ _ _Music Track
I was looking for a river that was not so far and had few people, then we ended up in the Doshi river. Aty hadn't left the home fo...
Hey Friends I have NEW Dollar Tree Haul for you! A Huge Valentines Day Decor Haul & Unboxing my Vday Decor. I hope you guys like s...
Colored pencils drawing of "Awakened Rudy", from mobile game "Seven Knights" - Prismacolor / Strathmore Bristol 300s
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