Emma Roberts Makeup Look: Met Gala 2017 | Charlotte Tilbury

by Charlotte Tilbury

Emma Roberts Makeup Look: Met Gala 2017 | Charlotte Tilbury


Re create the MOST TALKED ABOUT beauty look at the Met Gala this year Charlotte shows you step by step how to achieve the Hollywood Bombshell Glow Look Emma Roberts showcased on the red carpet Charlotte s Hollywood Wands will be available from charlottetilbury com on the 17th August 2017 0 20 Begin by prepping your skin Products used Charlotte Tilbury Instant Magic Facial Dry Sheet MaskCharlotte s Tip pull the Dry Sheet Mask over your mouth and rub for a few seconds for baby soft lips 01 15 Apply your baseProducts used Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Complexion Brush COMING SOON 17th August 2017 02 18 Perfect your browsProducts used Charlotte s Tip Brush your brows upwards to reveal their shape 03 01 The EyesProducts used 04 47 Contour the FaceProducts used Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Contour Wand COMING SOON 17th August 2017 Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Beauty Light Highlight Wand COMING SOON 17th August 2017 Charlotte s Tip Suck in the cheeks and follow the hollows for a natural contour 06 46 The LipsProducts used Charlotte s Tip Trace the natural outline of your lips with your Lip Cheat Liner you can cheat for fuller wider lips with this genius pen 09 50 The Cheeks10 34 Final TouchProducts used Shop Charlotte s NEW Hollywood Matte Liquid Lipsticks Keep up to date with Charlotte TilburyLike Share and Subscribe for more glam makeup



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