Encapsulated Shell Ballerina Nail - Wedding Nails Part 5

by Naio Nails

Encapsulated Shell Ballerina Nail - Wedding Nails Part 5


Hey guys So today s episode is sadly the final part of our wedding series but that does mean that you are going to get to see the completed set However for this final nail in the set I am going to be using these gorgeous brand new shells which come in a variety of colours and I m going to be creating a gorgeous shell ballerina shaped nail How amazing is that So firstly we are going to apply a form to Karen s nail and we are going to be creating the ballerina with a gorgeous muted Metallic Pink Lunar Blush and some Disco Diva With the Lunar Blush we are going to create a base layer and then we are going to apply the Metallic pInk straight over the top of the Lunar Blush It is super pigmented Finally we are going to be spreading these gorgeous shells over the nail and applying some Disco Diva around them and then we are going to encapsulate them all into the nail with a lovely True Pink and then file and buff over the nail to create a lovely ballerina shape We will finish off the design with a bit of topcoat and some cuticle oil Well there you are guys That is the final wedding design I hope you enjoyed it and please if you did subscribe to our channel like the video and give it a share I will see you in the next video Love ya xxxxxKirstyMusic OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites



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