【第一弾 Dior 2019新作】 1/1発売スプリングコス...
❤️1/1発売ディオールの『スプリング ルック 2019 〈ロリグロウ〉』コレクションをレビューしました♡ 春にぴったりのパステルカラーのアイシャドウや透明感、ツヤを意識したチークやシェードなど盛りだくさんになっています😃✨ どれもパール感がキレイだったりと肌...
Euphorbia neorubella which is 120 in 365 Days of Plants was originally placed in the Monadeniumgenus and is commonly known as Red Monadenium but has recently been placed into the genus of Euphorbia It is a rather interesting plant with a thick caudex and medusa like growth This one I had a tough time taking out of my sill because it was growing between my heating pipes and I had to rip it a bit ouch to show it to you here In this video I ll cover where it s native to how it grows where it grows and best conditions for lighting watering fertilizing and more You can check out more of these videos here and on my IGTV homesteadbrooklyn Plant featured Euphorbia neorubella __Homestead Brooklyn s Plant One On Me is a series on indoor and outdoor gardening houseplant home tours greenhouse and botanic garden field trips interviews travelogues and more Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos on Instagram homesteadbrooklyn PlantOneOnMe or Facebook summerrayneoakes and homesteadbrooklyn Cool Stuff Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass Order How to Make a Plant Love You the book And want to be kept up to date with all the great giveaways gardening news and latest videos and blogs Follow Sub Don t forget if you like this episode and the others then be sure to Subscribe to this channel and hit the Notifications bell This really does help keep the channel moving forward
❤️1/1発売ディオールの『スプリング ルック 2019 〈ロリグロウ〉』コレクションをレビューしました♡ 春にぴったりのパステルカラーのアイシャドウや透明感、ツヤを意識したチークやシェードなど盛りだくさんになっています😃✨ どれもパール感がキレイだったりと肌...
Time for a new food diary! I'm going to show you everything I eat and drink in one day. I've been playing around with my editing s...
必修課多肉植物 夏日葉孵&插土跟澆水整套流程69 MC Succulent plant Vlog【 MC多肉園 】 小老闆日常生活與多肉工作和遊戲日常! 喜歡我的朋友請訂閱我喔! #多肉植物 #MC多肉 #69 園區地址:高雄市楠梓區創新路1-1號 MC多...
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(?歳♂)
Oh it's getting real all right. Like really real. You know how it is when you are sweating your makeup off while trying to put it ...
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Acrylic swipe. For this swipe, I used my 70% glue and 30% water as my pouring medium. I then used 1 1/2 parts of this pouring medi...
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