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and then get 10 off Dashlane Premium using my code CHRISTINEPENAHey hey lovelies Today we are Decorating the kitchen for Fall You guys LOVED the living room Fall decor thank you so much for all your love I hope you enjoy everything I did in the kitchen and dining room I love all the Fall vibes I hope you all enjoy XOXO_________________________________________________________Feel free to WRITE Christine Pena4001 S Shary Rd Ste 550Box 84Mission TX 78572 Here is everything listed in our HOME TOUR if you missed it FORMAL DINING AREA Donʼt forget to check out my AMAZON STORE ITEMS I GET ASKED ABOUT FRIDGE ORGANIZATIONPANTRY ORGANIZATIONCLEANING PRODUCTS For serious BUSINESS INQUIRIES please contact christinepenalifestyle gmail com Links to my LIGHTING Links to KITCHEN UPGRADES Some links are Affiliate links meaning I may make a small commission when you make a purchase I always appreciate when you support my channel and hope to continue providing you value This video is Sponsored by Dashlane Music provided by EPIDEMIC SOUND Lets get CONNECTED FTC Disclaimer Please know that I value my relationship with you all and will always give my honest review opinion on products I share cleanwithme christinepena decoratewithme
提供 レブロン REVLON公式URL:https://goo.gl/E3w6YT レブロン カラーステイ UV パウダー ファンデーション:https://goo.gl/pvDrrZ
Stay cozy during the chilly weather with a warm meal of chicken and dumplings seasoned with McCormick!
[ DADDOA Instagram: http://instagram.com/daddoa ] -
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チャンネル登録&高評価ボタンもぜひっ🐣 今日はCANMAKEの新作コスメのジューシーピュアアイズの07とロマンティックニュアンスアイライナーをメインに使ったピンクメイクです!!今回も撮影場所が違うんだ〜途中太陽消えたけど・・・(笑)そして今日は誕生日です〜!!...
he atacc he protecc but most importantly
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