by Elle Florence



Fall home decor and kitchen haul for my new home Open for links Nouvelle Apparel Scarves are made in Nepal from 70 Cashmere and 30 Silk for a buttery soft warm and lightweight feel Now fume free using natural dye and packaged with tissue for an even more luxurious experience Each Scarf is finished with modern detailing such as a small removable label and soft short eyelash fringe The design is oversized to allow it to be worn as a scarf or shawl and measures 200 x 90 cm or 70 x 35 All Nouvelle Pearl jewelry is handmade by me and feature sterling silver and gold filled findings and freshwater or Akoya cultured pearls For combined shipping if you would like to shop from both sites or for Canadian pricing please email elle florence yahoo com to be invoiced My PO Box Nouvelle PearlPO Box 18548 RPO West GeorgiaVancouver BC V6Z 0B3CanadaThank you for visiting my channel Elle Florence I m a Vancouver based lawyer by day fashion blogger and business owner by night



Aquamarine Gemstone Cold Proce...

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I was at a loss for what to do with March birthstones, as Aquamarine is a more expensive pick. We went with an affordable yet gorg...

루루가 더 강력한 적을 만났어요!

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오늘은 집에 있던 청소기가 고장 나서 새로운 청소기를 샀어요! 정말 털과 먼지가 어마어마한 것 같아요. 그리고, 광고 아니애오.

クリスマスにポルボロン 紙コップのラッピングで小さなギフト

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世界のお菓子シリーズ。今回はスペインのアンダルシア地方のクリスマスシーズンに欠かせない祝い菓子『ポルボロン』。まず名前がかわいい。 口の中に入れるとホロッと崩れる食感が楽しい 白いお菓子。白い雪の玉を思わせる そのかわいい姿が冬のプレゼントにピッタリ。 ポルボ...