Our entire shoe collection is here!!! we are doing a lot of decluttering, so we thought lets film this quick video and show you ev...
This video is dedicated to our friends in South Carolina who helped us save Shaggy Jessie and Hermione If the names Kimberly Todd Ella Patty and James are not familiar to you then you definitely missed two of the most amazing HopeForPaws rescue videos we EVER posted andWe arrived at this rescue location immediately after rescuing the skunks The couch was due to be picked up by the waste management company and thankfully a young girl who knew our YouTube channel called us for urgent help After the rescue we continued to the hospital and from there to the Kitty Bungalow who are now handling their adoption Thank you so much for sharing our rescue videos it really helps so many animals out there Have a great week Eldad Kittens CatRescue
Our entire shoe collection is here!!! we are doing a lot of decluttering, so we thought lets film this quick video and show you ev...
「すごくかわいい猫」 猫はハムスターを愛する - 猫とハムスターは親友です https://youtu.be/AcnLXJA9EO8 #猫 #ハムスター
Filmmaker Greg Krehel captures 15 varieties of stunning Echinopsis cactus flowers blooming in this incredible time-lapse. The proc...
【追記】音量が大きかったので、調整して聞いてください! As volume is big, please hear it by adjusting volume!
4K Spanish Copperplate Calligraphy writing with Fountain pen Pilot Elabo namiki Falcon
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こんにちは!かよです! 今回はmacのリップ紹介をしてみました! ランキング付けるの胸が痛い。。。w
【ブログで動画の説明をしています】 http://blog.livedoor.jp/balloonrabbitmoco/archives/36675325.html ブログにも遊びに来てね。
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