Fast and crunchiest clips: Soap crunching ASMR

by Soapcurls ASMR

Fast and crunchiest clips: Soap crunching ASMR


Only the best crunches in this compilation All full clips can be viewed in other compilations on my channel Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram Thank you all so much for watching Link to Facebook page Soapcurls ASMRLink to Instagram account soapcurls_asmrAutonomous sensory meridian response ASMR is an experience characterized by a static like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine It has been compared with auditory tactile synesthesia These videos help relieve anxiety for some and provide aid with falling asleep for some People have also found these videos are soothing for people with sensory processing disorders For other videos click on channel icon If you have any questions about what I do with the crunched soap please view channel video list For other soap crunching compilations and or tutorials on how to get started with this activity please view channel video list Soap crunching ASMR video compilation All content belongs to created by this channel soapcurls_asmr on Instagram




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