Finding out how many BABIES each mama will have this year! (goat ultrasound)

by Weed 'em & Reap

Finding out how many BABIES each mama will have this year! (goat ultrasound)


FOUR of our mama goats are due to deliver babies in April Today we find out how many baby goats they are each having Each morning on our one acre farm in the city of Phoenix Arizona we start the day with milking goats feeding pigs and gathering eggs We have a small plot of land but boy do we make the most of it Each animal on our farm is taken care of holistically organically We let the mama goats raise their babies until they reach 10 weeks of age and are naturally weaned from nursing We keep a small herd of 5 7 milking goats mainly the Nigerian Dwarf breed although we still have the queen of the herd Luna our Nubian goat We use the fresh goat s milk to make cheese butter cream and we use it in all sorts of baking cooking We love that we can walk into our backyard and gather food It s the best feeling ever After the morning chores we usually tend to the pond we re always adding new pond plants and fish to maintain the delicate ecosystem of our natural swimming pool Our backyard farm is full of adventures and we re so happy to share our farm vlog with you Hopefully you can feel inspired to grow something of your own or care for an animal with kindness like we strive to do Thanks for watching CLICK SHOW MORE FOR RESOURCES SHOP our favorite products on AMAZON DOWNLOAD OUR FREE GUIDES OUR MAILING ADDRESS Weed em ReapPO Box 3561Gilbert AZ 85299



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