Педикюр со СВЕТООТРАЖАЮЩЕЙ пуд...
Педикюр самой себе - отдельная история конечно) В этот раз я покажу как делала педикюр самой себе с жемчужной втиркой, и СВЕТООТРА...
Under the warm winter sunshine sitting near the pondA piece of fried steak and a glass of wine High quality fresh food materials need only to be cooked simply Burning firewood with crackling fire sounds Such wonderful life do you wanna have a drink 暖阳下 小塘边一口锅 一杯酒高端的食材往往采用最朴素的烹饪方式凑在火堆旁 听着火中噼里啪啦作响美哉美哉 能来饮一杯乎 非常感谢你们的观看 点赞 评论以及分享 记得开启频道通知 方便第一时间看到我的更新 Thanks For Watching Like Comment Share Please turn on the YouTube Notification Bell 部分操作可能具有危险性 请不要模仿尝试 注意安全喔 Some operations may be dangerous Please DON T TRY THIS AT HOME or any else where 更多精彩影片 我们的小喜 XiaoXi Recipe DIY
Педикюр самой себе - отдельная история конечно) В этот раз я покажу как делала педикюр самой себе с жемчужной втиркой, и СВЕТООТРА...
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
DIY Kanzashi flower, ribbon flower tutorial, how to, easy The ribbon used in the video is 4cm wide. Now you don’t have excuse that...
Street Food Festival " VULITSA EZHA " in Dreamland Park, Minsk, Belarus
For the July Patreon exclusive video, I tried molding & casting for the very first time and it was an interesting experience! If y...
2020年度のカレンダーについてです。 前年度よりかわいさ!紙質!進化いたしました!是非お手元でご確認下さい! 以下のサイトでご覧頂けます!
☆ my holiday collection is here! watch the video to see all the new stationery goodies, and also to find out how i package all of...
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