自製宋代鏤空霞帔墜,聽說佩戴它是富貴的象徵 | 雁鸿Aime...
雁鴻感冒好些了,沒有輸液了。謝謝大家的關心~ 這期來製作仿宋代的鏤空水滴的形狀的霞帔墜。 (帔:【pèi】古代披在肩背上的服飾,婦女用的帔綉着各種花紋。)
A stall that cooks fried rice and fried noodle dishes infront of youIn this video we order everything on the menu from Wok Hey1 Egg Fried Rice with Prawns Broccoli Baby Spinach White Mushrooms2 Fresh Udon with Chicken Tobiko Capsicum Nai bai3 Shanghai Fried Rice with Beef Thai Asparagus Edamame Chinese Chicken Sausage4 Fresh Ramen with Prawn Brussels Sprout Sous Vide Egg Shimeji Mushroom
雁鴻感冒好些了,沒有輸液了。謝謝大家的關心~ 這期來製作仿宋代的鏤空水滴的形狀的霞帔墜。 (帔:【pèi】古代披在肩背上的服飾,婦女用的帔綉着各種花紋。)
요즘 제가 무릎이 아파서 고양이들과 잘 놀아주지 못했어요... 그래서 조금 특별한 사냥놀이를 생각했어요! .... 루루가 대단했어요...........
▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO DO VÍDEO ░░░▒▒▒▓▓
[구독, 좋아요, 댓글]은 스쿱이에게 엄청 큰 힘이 됩니다♥
正確には手に乗せることを指すけど、 そうすると撫でろって催促でうるさいから できない。
We made omelette rice with a creamy, open omelette. The chicken rice was prepared in the rice cooker, and the demi-glace sauce was...
This video about:Hand Embroidery Amazing Trick, Easy Flower Embroidery Trick, Sewing Hack
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