The Ultimate Dressing Room Dec...
It's been a year in the amazing new room and dressing room so it was time for a declutter and reorganise! *product links below, af...
Hi everyone In today s tutorial I am showing you how to make an easy geode nail art design This nail art was inspired by the talented Maria from SoNailicius Her geode nails are pretty iconic by now in the nail art community This was my first time trying geode and I am not entirely sure if they came out right I feel like I made them a bit too edgy however you get the concept I really enjoyed making these It s a fun and pretty easy technique You can also make different color variations I hope you like this tutorial Have a great day Paulina Products Used FIND ME ONINSTAGRAM paulinaspassionsTWITTER paulinapassions FACEBOOK PINTEREST FTC This video was sponsored by Indigo Nails All opinions are my own MUSICIkson River
It's been a year in the amazing new room and dressing room so it was time for a declutter and reorganise! *product links below, af...
This is probably really boring, viewer discretion is advised.
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Kunta Sandwich 5,000 KRW (USD 4.5)
これは仲が良いのでしょう? じゃれあうひのきとひまわりがかわいいです♪
驚人的蛋糕裝飾教程 - 容易的蛋糕裝飾在家裡 - 奇怪的滿足第3部分驚人的蛋糕裝飾時刻彙編 - 最令人滿意的視頻在世界訂閱和喜歡更多的視頻!
又到了全開架彩妝的時間 這次要挑戰用近幾個月內推出的開架彩妝來完成秋天妝容 除了妝容以外,我想大家最在意的應該還是產品好不好用 所以會邊上妝邊評論、也因此片長較長 可以選擇分天看、或挑自己有興趣的產品看🤘
A behind-the-scenes view of what it's like as an artist working on a solo exhibition. I created 8 new watercolour paintings for my...
楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 今日の動画はお風呂で使っているスキンケア・ボディケアアイテム紹介です!紹介しようと思って並べたら通りでお風呂場ごちゃついてるなと思いました。
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