Giant FLATHEAD CATFISH Cut Up and Cook - Vietnam Street Food 2018

by Raw Street Capture 101

Giant FLATHEAD CATFISH Cut Up and Cook - Vietnam Street Food 2018


This is footage from an awesome day of observing flathead catfish cut up and cook I was walking to this shop to buy some vietnam street food and saw them take care of a flathead catfish at the same time In Vietnam flathead catfish lives in upstream fresh water rivers near hydroelectric dams The bigger the fish is the older it is The vietnam street food they cook in this video is caramelized falthead catfish It is one of the most popular vietnam street food from flathead catfish In Vietnam caramelized falthead catfish is served with hot steamed rice and salted vegetables Full playlists of Vietnamese street food 2 Exclusive Insects Food in Vietnam3 Local Vietnamese seafood street food4 EXTREMELY GRAPHIC Cooking in Vietnam5 Vietnam Street Food Series 2018 Authentic Footage



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