Ceramic pottery looking nails Gel nails made to look like a pottery vase Nails with a design that resembles pottery In this video I do a set of nails that looks like a beautiful vase I picked up in the Summer of 2017 Just wait for someone out there to claim pottery Nails as their own Remember where you saw it first The vase was my inspiration for sure I did these nails back in January of 2018 for my trip to Florida The accent nail is a aquarium nail with a cute sea turtle in it just fitting for Florida I will have a link below to a aquarium nail I did The turtle aquarium nail was done the same way Using the same technique As always thank you for watching I will see you in the next one Aquarium Nail here NO ONE is ever granted permission to upload my videos into their own videos That is copyright infringement Please use the link from my video That way it will go back to my channel and I will be credited Welcome to my channel I m a Licensed and PUBLISHED Professional Nail Tech My nails my life and MY CHANNEL I do GEL ACRYLIC nails Gel nails are my FAVORITE I want to share how I do nails with you show you things to use for nails and review nail items Everyone s taste in nail art is DIFFERENT I have RESPECT for ALL Nail Technician s whether Licensed or not licensed or just starting out and ones who choose this as a hobby If you have nothing nice to say SAY NOTHING at all Negativity will not be tolerated here ALL comments I deem rude and inappropriate will be REMOVED and the individual BLOCKED Please act like a RESPECTFUL human being Karma is a big B To find me outside of YouTube LOOK HERE I do have a private personal Facebook account but that is only for my family and people outside of the nail world My nails friends can find me on my SPECIAL Facebook page created just for you My favorite gels are Star Nails International uv gels The sculpting gel in clear The sculpting gel in thick clear T3 Fiber Gels in opaque nude opaque rose nude and opaque petal pink My favorite clear acrylic to use is Tones Glass clear Tones covers in Almond and New Pink Their liquid monomer is great too I use many different colored acrylic brands Recently I discovered a wonderful person who creates amazing colored acrylic sets I have been using The lovely Stacy Baltadano
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This video is about corded detached buttonhole stitch
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