In this video DIY tutorial I show you an easy way to make the purse bag by own hands from scratch.
This recipe for English Scones is an absolute MUST for your baking rep and the perfect way to get into baking during the Lockdown times I LOVE making scones so much because you can do it all by hand which is super satisfying plus its really fun and the outcome is amazing Us Brits like to load them up with Jam and Clotted Cream but you can eat them plain with butter if you prefer Whatever you do make sure to take photos and tag me sallydells and cupcakejemma using the tag cupcakejemma so we can all see and share your creations Thank you so much for your continued support we are so grateful for you all Lots of Love Sally Jemma and all at C D xxx 425g Plain Flour 5 tsp Baking Powder 50g caster sugarGood pinch of Salt125g Cold Butter chopped 1 Egg250ml Whole Milk Egg and or Milk for glazing MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemma CAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoilies SALLY sallydells
In this video DIY tutorial I show you an easy way to make the purse bag by own hands from scratch.
【訂正】動画の終盤(9:57)まつり縫いではなく、 ” コの字綴じ ” です。 ポケットが3つもある、機能性抜群な小銭入れです😃👍 極厚の接着芯を使うので、弾力のあるしっかりとした作りで、小銭が隙間から出なく、収まりの良いお財布です✨
New makeup from e.l.f. Cosmetics! They have a new collection out done in collaboration with Nabela Noor; there are brushes, a high...
A Crystal inside a crystal! :D Crystal pendant that glows in the dark... magical effect! I love crystal molds and it's very conven...
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome Back to my channel!!! Hi, How Are Ya? My grandmother turned 100 years old this year!! Can you believe that...
he atacc he protecc but most importantly
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