사실 우리 야옹이는 아직 애기예요
오늘은 고양이들 케어해 주는 날이에요! 오랜만에 고양이들 발톱도 깎아주고 발 털도 정리해 주고 귀 청소도 해줬어요.
There s nothing like kicking off the new than learning a new recipe than can last you and your family a lifetime This Green Chile Bean Burrito will be a great new addition to the weekly menu The green sauce can be used as a dipping salsa the beans make a great leftover bean dip and its all very easy on the wallet I hope y all try it out and tell me what you think HAPPY 2019 BUSINESS INQUIRY byronlovesfood gmail comMAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356MOST USED TOOLS Iron Skillet Iron SkilletPepper Grinder Pepper GrinderINGREDIENTS Refried Beans 3 cups water1 cup pinot beans1 jalapeno1 2 white onion1 garlic clove4 tsp ground cumin2 3 tsp salt2 thick cut strips of baconGreen Sauce 3 jalapeños 1 2 white onion1 garlic clove1 2 bunch of cilantroJuice of one limesalt to taste
오늘은 고양이들 케어해 주는 날이에요! 오랜만에 고양이들 발톱도 깎아주고 발 털도 정리해 주고 귀 청소도 해줬어요.
リクエストの多かった人生のメリーゴーランドを吹きました。 あと、リコーダーのTシャツを作りました。 https://r-volcano.booth.pm/items/1577238
톡쏘는 향이 매력적인 민트 초콜릿을 넣은 초콜릿칩 쿠키를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down...
訂閱我的頻道▶ https://goo.gl/zc6u2R 追蹤INSTAGRAM▶ https://goo.gl/LBqRtK 看更多穿搭主題▶ https://goo.gl/6qHjE7
HuGっとプリキュアのキュアエールメイクをしました! 参考動画はこちら! https://youtu.be/huLeODBJZ6k
Catch up on yesterday episode for more information about the Paul Rubens Student Grade Watercolors https://youtu.be/Lyk86Ax60bE
쫄깃하고 달콤한 초코 커스터드 크림 찹쌀떡을 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡...
I wanted to make Miso Corn Ramen but corn is not in season anymore. I chose bean sprouts and green onion as vegetables ingredient...
#Kittisaurus Today, I baked a cake to celebrate my family of 10 cats!
猫用おしゃぶり! The pacifier for cats.
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