Green Chile Bean Burrito

by ByronTalbott

Green Chile Bean Burrito


There s nothing like kicking off the new than learning a new recipe than can last you and your family a lifetime This Green Chile Bean Burrito will be a great new addition to the weekly menu The green sauce can be used as a dipping salsa the beans make a great leftover bean dip and its all very easy on the wallet I hope y all try it out and tell me what you think HAPPY 2019 BUSINESS INQUIRY byronlovesfood gmail comMAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356MOST USED TOOLS Iron Skillet Iron SkilletPepper Grinder Pepper GrinderINGREDIENTS Refried Beans 3 cups water1 cup pinot beans1 jalapeno1 2 white onion1 garlic clove4 tsp ground cumin2 3 tsp salt2 thick cut strips of baconGreen Sauce 3 jalapeños 1 2 white onion1 garlic clove1 2 bunch of cilantroJuice of one limesalt to taste



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